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DRUMS: Disk Repository with Update Management and Select Option

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Write Tutorial

To instantiate DRUMS some parameters must be set. Instantiate GlobalParameters with a prototype of your storable. All parameters are read by default from ./src/main/resources/ The parameters are described in the JavaDoc as well as in the properties file.

GlobalParameters gp = new GlobalParameters(myStorable-prototype);

Further, a consistent HashFunction must be available. For simplicity we recommend the provided RangeHashFunction. The RangeHashFunction maps all records in a given range to one particular Bucket. The following code creates a new RangeHashFunction with 128 equal sized ranges between 0 and 256^4.

RangeHashFunction hf = new RangeHashFunction(128, 4, "myHashFunctionFile");

Static factory-methods in the DRUMSInstantiator-class can be used to get the desired DRUMS-object.

DRUMS drums = DRUMSInstantiator.createTable(hf, gp);

Now, records can be inserted as follows.


To make sure, that all records are persisted, the current DRUMS-instance must be closed.



For a concrete example please have a look at BioDRUMS. This file provides a full functional example for creating a DRUMS table and inserting some real biological data.